ABN_1a: Transverse view showing a diverticulum on the left side of the bladder in a patient with detrusor sphincter dyssynergia
ABN 2a-diverticulum-sagittal
ABN _2A: The same patient as the previous, sagittal view shows the diverticulum at the posterior aspect of the bladder
ABN _3a: Unknown mass creating significant acoustic shadow observed while imaging the upper abdominal wall of a patient with core weakness, due to patient history of cancer x 2 physician was contacted immediately, outcome unknown
ABN _3b: Same patient as previous image, additional view from the lateral aspect of the left upper abdomen in an attempt to rule out other cause of signal loss
ABN_4a: Male patient post prostatectomy, under active surveillance for abdominal aortic aneurysm,
ABN_4b: Same image as previous showing cross sectional measurement of AAA at 34.5mm
ABN _5: Thick hypertrophic midline scar in the mid abdominal region creating loss of signal and acoustic shadow
ABN _6a: Midline scar in the suprapubic region, note the bladder below and loss of normal acoustic enhancement deep to the bladder, instead resulting in deflection of the signal
ABN_7a: Transverse view of left sided ventral hernia of the fascia of the abdominal wall
ABN_7b: Same patient as previous, sagittal view of ventral hernia demonstrating larger dimension
ABN _8a: Suprapubic view showing large anteverted uterus encroaching on the bladder, a superior image would be obtained if the bladder were fuller
ABN _9a: Suprapubic image with excellent acoustic window due to full bladder showing the descent of the uterus in the pelvic cavity
ABN _10a: Grade 3 cystocele observed with patient relaxed lithotomy position, note bladder contents at vaginal introitus
ABN 10c-Gr-3-cysto-deflection
ABN _10c: Same patient as the previous, dynamic image captured using the CINE buffer shows extra vaginal displacement of the urovaginal septum and bladder contents. This patient was referred for surgical consultation.
ABN 11-remnents-urethral-sling
ABN_11: Patient was aware of incomplete excision of urethras sling, note the hyperechoic signal at the posterior mid urethra
ABN_12: Asymmetry observed in the bladder base secondary to excessive activation of left pelvic floor and pelvic wall muscles, findings confirmed with internal palpation